Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Very few quiet mornings

Coffee Cup on Desk
I woke up this morning, feeling refreshed for probably only the second time in 9 weeks and excited for the day to come! I prayed this morning and just asked God for strength and patience for the day, love for my family and a focus on Him, as well as new insight and excitement for homeschooling 4 young children. I feel at peace right now, listening to the crickets outside, the darkness of the morning still engulfing. I am reminded of that verse that " even the darkness is not dark to you" . Thank you God that we cannot hide from you, nor get lost from you. That you are our ever present help and delivery, our rescuer. Sometimes raising a family and homeschooling seems a bit daunting and when all my ideas start running around in my head like mush I know that I have not given it to God. He is the only one that can help me organize my thoughts in a manner that is manageable and not overwhelming. He has given my husband and I this vision so why wouldn't he see it to fruition? Isn't it like the enemy to allow you to feel inadequate or overwhelmed to so easily deter you from what God has set before you?

We are reading Little Pilgrims Progress right now. I feel like I could get emotional at every chapter because of the path Christian has chosen and the parallelism to our own lives. I love reading it to the kids because they are beginning to understand that this is not an easy path, but it's the ONLY path. Lord help me to teach them!

I peered around the corner and saw Jayden looking at the microwave clock and going back into his bedroom to play. A few minutes later a little knock at the door . Moriah, standing there with her beautiful blonde hair going up, down, sideways, diagonal and poofy whispers, " play kietly ( quietly)" and then runs off into the boys room, shuts the door and play. God answers prayers!!!! Hannah is sleeping soundly in my bed and my heart swells for my little family. I am blessed.

Today we will begin school shortly and hopefully have most of it done before we leave for bible study, stop and I will get a "poor man's latte" ( decaf espresso over ice and add my own creamer). I've never ordered this before but read about it on the Internet and I am always on the lookout for ways to save money. I pray that God walks before and behind us today as we live it out, seeking Him and loving our cool, dark mornings filled with solace and peace before the kids see that it is now 6:01 and they can come out from "playing kietly"

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