Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The starting of a children's book.....would love to submit someday....

Where Is The Cookie Moon?

Momma where is the cookie moon? I can't see it.
Is it behind the dark, thick clouds?
Is it behind the sleepy, still tree?
Is it behind the Strong, Stoic Mountains?
I can't see it?

Where is the cookie moon Momma?
I need to see it. I need to follow it with my eyes, I need to watch it follow me as I move in the car, I need to see it as I stand outside in the darkness.

Momma, where is the cookie moon? Can I eat it? What does it taste like? Will it always be round? Will it always be yellow? Will it always be there?

Momma, where is the cookie moon? I can't see it.

My child, the cookie moon is in the sky, sometimes it plays hide and go seek, sometimes it shows its large face for all to see. That is the cookie moon; it is beautiful but not dependable.

Me, my child, will always be here. I am not like the cookie moon. I do not play hide and go seek where you have to look for me, I do not make you wonder where I am or if I will be around. I will not hide behind the dark, thick clouds, I will not hide behind the sleepy, still trees, and I will not hide behind the strong, stoic mountains.

I am here, right here. When you wake up in the middle of the night after a bad dream, I am here. When you feel scared and alone I am here. When you need a kiss after being in bed, I will be here. I, my child, will help you look for the cookie moon but the cookie moon will never have to help you look for me.

1 comment:

Nancy Bouwens said...

:) The cookie moon... written by Mama Bear