Friday, February 10, 2012

I Hope They Don't Smash Our Van!

Ahh yes, will it ever end? I mean seriously I am getting pretty sick of putting money into our cars. Yes, it is still THOUSANDS less than buying a new car but it is so inconvenient and never happens at a good time. Today, after a month of my wheel constantly locking up and us praying in the spirit for it to unlock each and Every time...the wheel would not unlock at all, today.

I only had a valentines party for the kids to get to that was 20 some miles away and we had planned on going as a family. Now, plans changed. Ben ended up staying with Miss Hannah Lou who stripped off a dirty diaper, left it on the floor and was found dancing on the computer box. Keep the party rollin' Hanns.

The rest of us, on the other hand, crammed into the civic and drove down in the heart of the land. I had made sure our valentines cards, 24 per child, were signed and stickered the night before. My grocery list, coupons and meal list was prepared the night before, the Bingo games were set out the night before. Yet, this minor inconvenience of my van threw the whole morning off.

Life seems to do that, to us, a lot. I was so frustrated but just by observing others as well as trying to self reflect and become more like Christ each day I chose to put my feelings aside and give God praise. This wasn't really easy to do when all of my expectations, as well as money, was out the window. Yet, on the way to the party the kids and I gave praise to God for who He is- God you are faithful, you are just, you are true, you are holy, you are loving, you are our refuge, our guard. Our spirits were lifted.

We needed to leave our party early in anticipation that my van would be towed and fixed today. Yet, the tow man arrived, took one step inside my van, looked at Ben and I and stated, " I will need my mechanic to come out here and help me with this."

An hour later, the mechanic had torn apart my engine to get to the neutral button, whatever the heck that is, then they rolled it out of the odd shaped driveway, with a special mechanism, almost tipping it on its side, then scraping my front bumper on the ground, then almost tipping it again. I am serious! This was terrible to watch. Austen almost broke down in tears wondering if our trusty van was going to make it out there.

It did, we have yet to hear form the mechanic. We praying it is is a key lock cylinder. Let me tell you, you never wait to have kids or take vacations until you are "able". We will take them regardless because the opportunity will NEVER present itself otherwise.

Please pray that our vehicles, especially my trusty van, lasts another 5 years. I do not CARE what the outside looks like. I"m not into that "image". I just need a reliable family mobile that will get me and the kids from point A to point B with out much fuss.

We are saving, our next car will hopefully be almost new, low mileage and paid in cash...but for now, I am so content with my trusty '99 van. I do NOT want another one. So, here's to waiting for the dreaded phone call tomorrow. Ben and I expect the most expensive fix ( since that is what typically happens to us)....maybe we'll be surprised.

God is still faithful. I just need my van to be.

  Ps, does anyone else remove a car seat only to find that a months worth of crackers, fruit and snacks have been stored underneath and Ben found a black Costco hot dog hidden under the drivers seat...I had wondered where that beaut went and why my van smelled so rancid :)

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