Monday, February 6, 2012

Painting Is Never "Neat"

Today, Jayden went to a really cool body performance with some friends so the three other ones worked out with me and then we went to our local grocery store to buy some art supplies. I have checked out some really fun books at the library geared towards preschool and kindergarten ages and can't wait to dive into and create all the fun projects.

morning hair :)

One of the books focuses on the zoo. Each craft is simple but reinforces a different zoo concept. Riah and Austen love painting and crafting and wasted no time opening up the paint and free styled it. We recycle now which I am so excited about because I hate wasting and that also lends itself to many craft options because they were not thrown away.

There is newspaper everywhere, paint everywhere, pipe cleaner and pom poms and some great looking imaginative "flying" squids, an oatmeal container that is a robot and Riahs' very girly painted egg crate . I am not quite sure what it is, but it screams " girl" with glittery pipe cleaners and turquoise, fuchsia and purple paint drying.

The kids are having quiet time and then i will take each one to do our language arts and math and then hopefully create some more to our castle landscape today. What better day to make our home more messy than Mondays, right ? :)

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