After their friends left today, I went to go sharpen the pencils to get started on language arts only to find that Austen sharpened an eraser that was now lodged in my brand new, very nice electronic pencil sharpener. Needless to say I was quite frustrated and just felt the Holy Spirit say, " put down the pencils and play games". So with the girls sleeping, I went into the boys room and we played Rat a Tat Cat and Silly Sentences. Both of these games covered what I was wanting to discuss in both of their language arts and math so point in case, the Holy Spirit knows best mamas.
Rat a tat cat focuses on greater than, less than, subtraction and memory. Its a really fun card game and I love that Austen is as into games as Jay and I are. Games make learning so much easier and fun! Finally, I read a bunch of books on pets and responsibility. One interesting book in particular was " Pets of the White House". A very interesting and informative read! Hmm, do you feel a theme here?? :) The boys then had a quiet time, played playmobil, used their imaginations ( what more could I ask for???!) and then Austen and Riah came downstairs where we worked on SSRW and Austen completed reading another small book! Yeah Austen! He is making such great, S L O W progress and I love it :)
1 comment:
Hey Amanda! Great posts! :) I loved your comment on my blog. Yes, I think I need to slow it down right now and just do more "real-life" learning (read good books, play games--thanks for the ideas of some good games, bake stuff together, play) at this season.
Did you order Managers of their Chores?? You'll have to let me know what you think. I've thought of ordering it before but never have.
You're doing a great job with your blog! Just want to encourage you :)
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